ARENA slope management
Your guarantee for successful slope management.
Climate change, energy price increases, staff shortages – ski areas face a variety of challenges. In order to be able to deal with these consistently and systematically, decisions should be made objectively and with foresight.
Especially in technical snowmaking, because there is enormous savings potential there, which we leverage together with the piste crew. Our ARENA piste management service package can reduce the costs of piste work by up to 20% - while maintaining the best piste quality.
Saving on water and energy
Savings per hectare of slope surface
Return on invest in the 1st year
the mountains
Face new challenges with optimized processes and objective decisions.
With digital resource optimization zu perfect slopes over the entire season.
With the ARENA piste management consulting concept, you can take piste work to the next level. Innovative analyzes and data-based decisions enable water, energy and manpower to be reduced by up to 20%.
Cost reduction and resource saving from the first day of snow
Tailored strategy for the optimal use of resources
Basis for decisions for investments in slope corrections and snowmaking infrastructure
Objective decisions through data analysis
In many cases, ski areas have long-standing data series from snow depth measurements and snowmaking guidance systems. With ARENA Slope Management, essential adaptations for future winter seasons can be derived from this treasure trove of data. In combination with external data sources, natural snow can be quantified and thus integrated into strategic planning.
Full cost control from the first day of snow
The interaction of the snowmaking guidance system and snow depth measurement offers ideal controlling functions for the targeted use of resources at the start of the season. Long-term data series, combined with the snowmaking teams' experience, enable the precise calculation of the target water quantities likely to be required.
Use the full potential of snow depth measurement
Snow depth measuring systems have now become widely established as driver support. However, measurements alone are not of much use if you do not draw the right conclusions from them. That's why all target snow depths are defined in advance in the master plan and then compared with the actual condition of the slopes throughout the entire season. From the moment it is pushed out, the progress of the snowmaking and the condition of the slopes can be analyzed with just a few clicks. The overproduction of technical snow is now a thing of the past!
Continuous improvement
In order to exploit the full potential of the technical infrastructure and to train the piste teams sustainably, extensive support from our piste management experts is necessary. Annual seasonal meetings set a continuous improvement process in motion. Depending on individual requirements, we are also happy to provide additional analyses and advice in the area of investment planning and terrain adaptation.